my books
I am a book. I am a portal to the universe.
Co-authored with Miriam Quick
Particular books
(Penguin UK)
WINNER of the Royal Society’s Young People’s Book Prize 2021!
One of the Financial Times’ Best Books of 2020
Shortlisted for the ALCS Educational Writers’ Award 2021
SILVER Prize for the Information is Beautiful Awards 2022
Hello. I am a book. But I'm also a portal to the universe.
I have 112 pages, measuring 20cm high and wide. I weigh 450g. And I have the power to show you the wonders of the world.
Lift me up to the sky, rest me on your lap, drop me from a height, wear me as a hat. Together, through data, we'll uncover the stories hidden in the everyday. How long is an anteater's tongue? How tiny is the DNA in your cells? How fast is gold mined? How loud is the sun? And how many stars have been born and exploded in the time you've taken to read this sentence?
Hold me in your hands and let me show you what I'm made of - and what waits for you in the corners of our awe-inspiring universe.
Dear Data
Co-authored with Giorgia Lupi
Forward by Maria Popova
Particular books (Penguin UK) /
Princeton Architectural press
From an award-winning project comes an inspiring, collaborative book that makes data artistic, personal - and open to all!
Each week for a year, Giorgia and Stefanie sent each other a postcard describing what had happened to them during that week around a particular theme. But they didn't write it, they drew it: a week of smiling, a week of apologies, a week of desires.
Presenting their fifty-two cards, along with thoughts and ideas about the data-drawing process, Dear Data hopes to inspire you to draw, slow down and make connections with other people, to see the world through a new lens, where everything and anything can be a creative starting point for play and expression.
Observe, collect, draw! : A visual journal
Co-authored with Giorgia Lupi
Princeton Architectural press
A guided journal with a fresh approach to the trend of journal-as-tool-for-self-examination.
The journal is delightfully illustrated in the authors’ trademark style― accessible, whimsical, detailed. Blending inspiring examples with engaging instruction, this journal asks: What do we learn about ourselves when we measure our gratitude, confidence, and distraction levels? What do our collections say about who we are: our books, music, the clothes we wear? Observe, Collect, Draw! functions as a mini-course in information design, as accessible to beginners as it is engaging to seasoned info designers.